
This one's guaranteed to be a real crowd pleaser.

You'll need: Macaroni, béchamel sauce, grated mozzarella cheese, breadcrumbs, egg, plain flour, finely chopped chives, JIM BEAM® Bourbon Sauce.
Method: Boil your macaroni until cooked, then mix with a béchamel sauce and stir through plenty of grated mozzarella. Spread your mac & cheese onto a tray and chill for 30 minutes. Once chilled, roll the mac & cheese into even shaped balls, dust with flour, dip into a beaten egg, and coat with breadcrumbs before chilling for a further 30 minutes. Once chilled, deep fry for 5 minutes until golden on the outside and gooey in the centre. Top with chives and serve with your favourite JIM BEAM® Bourbon Sauce.
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